News 2021
06.11.2021 – Biba passed IGP 1
I am very happy because Biba has passed IGP 1 and received 93/98/84 points!!! She is my beloved girl!!!
27.10. – 31.10.2021 – World Championship ISPU IGP-FH in Werlaburgdorf, Germany
This year, two representatives of our kennel competed in World Championship ISPU IGP-FH in Werlaburgdorf, Germany!!!! Despite many serious problems, incorrect organizing operations in addition to FCI regulations breach during the World Championship, both girls were successful and won the 9th place (Aurelia) and the 12th place (Andora). Moreover, they were members of the bronze Czech team (with Hanibal Barkas Radinie + Helena Glänznerová).
Many thanks to Maruška Lohrerová for Aurelia´s training! I wish both girls the great success in tracking in future!!!!
15. – 17.10.2021 – autumn training weekend with Pavel Markusek
Great weekend spend with our trainer Pavel Markusek and a group of great people. A lot of work and a lot of fun – thanks very much!!!
19.06.2021 – Biba passed the IFH-V
Biba passed the IFH-V but with no excellent result – 85 points only because of two faults (no indiction of the article and false indication after the first angle).
11.09.2021 – XXIVth Luková Cup
Dora attended 24th Luková Cup in IFH2 cathegory and – veni, vidi, vici – she came, looked at and won!!!
She won under very demanding conditions – eight quality dogs, start of tracking 30 minutes after noon, temperature of 27°C and direct sunshine, dry and hot soil. But she worked very hard with ethusiasm and no serious mistakes. She won 94 points and I am very, very proud of her!!!
03. – 05.09.2021 – KCHK Club Championship
Both our females attended the Club show in Horka – Biba won the title Excellent2, res. ČKŠ in Open Class and Dora won the title Best Veteran in Show!!!
Mistrovství ČR ve výkonu kníračů 2021, Ostrava (PDF)
14. – 21.08.2021 – summer training camp in Jeseník
In summer, we spent a perfect week with a group of great people and our trainer Pavel Markusek in Jeseník. The week was great – thanks very much!!!
30.07.2021 – we have a new schnauzer baby!
On July, we brought a new schnauzer girl named Charisma from the Radinie kennel. She is Biba's stepsister and absolutely amazing baby!!! Many thanks to her breeder Helena Glänznerová (a photo author) and to Alice Zelinková – the owner of our girls' father!
19.06.2021 – Club Show in Horka nad Moravou
Both our females attended the Club show in Horka – Biba won the title Excellent2, res. ČKŠ in Open Class and Dora won the title Best Veteran in Show!!!
05.06.2021 – Club Show in Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
Biba attended her first club show in Open Class and she won the title Excellent2, res. ČKŠ! She was fantastic!!!
23.05.2021 – Biba passed another FPr3 tracking exam
Based on Biba's great training results in tracking, I decided to pass the FPr3 exam – and she was very successful and received fantastic 98 points!!! Biba has been our superstar!
Moreover, our Elinka (Aurelia AF) with her handler Maruška passed the second IFH2 exam and so they have met the nomination criteria for the ISPU World Championship IGP-FH 2021. Congratulations to Maruška!!!!
15.05.2021 – Biba has become a stud female!!
Biba attended Körung in Brno and received perfect Körung code 00/5A/6 with a note „beautiful female“. The last thing we must attend is a schnauzer show but I hope we catch up this year.
15.05.2021 – MSKS Championship in tracking in Klokočov!!
My solution to attend MSKS Championship in tracking in Klokočov with Dora was „a last minute action“ but we won the third place with 91 points and CACT title. Dora has met nomination criteria for the ISPU World Championship IGP-FH 2021.
24.04.2021 – the first passed exam of this year
Biba passed the second exam in tracking in her life – FPr2 (97 points)!!!
PF 2021
Happy New Year 2021!!!